I could write a lot in regards to this poem. But I don't have much else to say right now. I let it all out last night, when I was up at 2 AM. This poem happened because I was awake and heard some thunder. In the last couple years, I've developed a little fear of thunderstorms. I blame it on pregnancy and a vivid dream I had a couple years ago. There are times when a basic storm comes in and my body feels like its in fight mode with a little buzz of anxiety. I'll know I'm safe but still, my body says otherwise. And then there are times occasionally like the bad storm we encountered in July. We ended up being safe but there was great stress and worry that was actually warranted.
I actually felt calm last night when I heard that thunder. The very first coupling in this poem came to my mind right away and next thing I know, I'm writing for 45 minutes. Depression and anxiety are beasts alone and together. Good news is you can find help in so many ways. It's not necessarily easy but its there and it takes work. Even better news: if you believe in God, you know that the pain that you've been feeling cannot compare to the JOY that is coming. (Romans 8:18)
It’s true: when it rains, it pours
The sky is yelling right outside your door
The lightning is bright and the thunder’s loud
And it feels like all you’ll ever see is clouds
You take a lot of deep breaths these days
Cause your mind gets scared even though you pray
Satan lies and tells you you’re no good,
That if life’s this hard maybe you really should…
Yeah it’s still true, that the rain can pour
But don’t forget there’s a God who says he’s yours
Lightning is bright and thunder is loud
But getting help should make you feel proud
Before you know it the clouds will part
And the sun will shine and warm your heart
Some days your brain will still wage a war
Where your deep breaths and tears become more and more
It’s ok to feel your feelings hard
But please don’t forget Jesus is your guard
Rain will always come and pour
But life still brings joy after every storm
Your friends, your family, they’re behind the clouds
The Holy Spirit meets us on the ground
Satan might lie and say you’re no good
But God said you are with two pieces of wood
Depression and anxiety may be real
But the Great Physician can always heal
Yes, the rain can come down fast
But it really won’t always fall or last
Picture the break, there in the sky
The sun shining down from way up high
Or picture the Son calling you home
Not quite today, but sometime soon
Rain can hurt but it can also nourish
God can use pain and still help you flourish
In a world that can feel heavy with lots of rain,
Don’t forget what His disciples gain
You have time left, and hold so much worth
To be salt and light on this Earth
When it rains, sometimes it pours
Yet it still tends to, and grows the flowers

This was nice song to hear this morning as I dropped my kids off and it even made me think of my poem. I'd say that's the Holy Spirit saying hello on a beautiful morning.